Monday, April 2, 2007

Goodbye, Friday morning.

Where do weekends go? Where?

After yet another weekend of not accomplishing a damn thing, I'm heading into the office early to get some grading done. If I would sit down for a couple hours on Sunday and plow through this stuff, I would be able to sleep in until 8am most mornings (and 9am on Fridays!) but I never do.

I had an odd email from a grad student asking me for recommendations in my field of research. In theory, this isn't abnormal, but the actual email was odd. She was obviously trying to use the "proper academic language," which in our field means everything gets "problematized" and issues have "facets" and... blah, blah, blah. Fine, fine, she's just new, but the problem with the email was that it made no sense. I've been trying to come up with a parallel to the email to explain why it made no sense, but I can't even do that.

Must go grade papers. Ack.


Artistic Soul said...

Yeah, grading is like that -- I have to make a very strict schedule to parse it out otherwise I will end up procrastinating it all.

luckybuzz said...

I think you need to systematically problematize that email to uncover its multifaceted issues. I sense a deep ambivalence in your tone, and I wonder if there's not a Foucauldian je ne sais quoi at play here....

(was it kinda like that?) :)

Margie said...

LOL Buzz... precisely.

Wiccachicky, I wish I could stick to strict schedules. I'm trying! I just got 20 minutes into the "work on chapter one" section of my daily schedule and started freaking out again.