Monday, December 11, 2006

bullets of problems (for someone else to solve)

  • Blogrolling hasn't worked for the last several days.
  • Mr. Squirrel was just offered a one-year contract, four hours from here, and is supposed to get back to them on Wednesday. What does one do, when there are interviews being set up for January at other schools? This was supposed to be a tenure-track position, too, and he has no idea why they'd offer him this instead. (Well, they said they were opening the search back up for next year, which makes this offer a bit of an insult.)
  • I still haven't refinanced my car, and have been playing phone tag with the dealership chick over the last two days.
  • My desire to exercise has flown out the window. I was up to about an hour of cardio a day - and enjoying it - but now I keep finding reasons to avoid the bike. Have set a small goal today (20 minutes), simply to get myself back into the habit.


luckybuzz said...

About the motivation--I feel mine flapping its wings in preparation for its departure out the window. I've been really, really good about the gym--going 4-5 times a week--but the last two days? Meh. I have other things to do.

I'm hoping mine finds its way back to me...and I think your small goal is probably the way to go.

BrightStar (B*) said...

I agree about the offer seeming like a bit of an insult. HOW WEIRD to offer a one year contract... I'd say to turn that down in favor of holding out for something more permanent, or to conditionally accept the one year position -- on the condition that if he got a tenure track line that he would take that instead. It's kind of like turning it back around on them, sort of.

Margie said...

Hmmm... must blog more about offer tomorrow. I didn't know you could accept such things conditionally.

Buzz, I did 25 minutes. Better than nothing, right?

BrightStar (B*) said...

I don't know if you can accept offers conditionally, but they are not playing by the rules, really, either, so I say a conditional acceptance was the best they could expect in a situation like that, you know?