Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Good and Bad:

The Good: I set a defense date. Seriously, can you believe that? I set one. It's close - July 20th, to be exact - but not too close. I'll have plenty of time to rework stuff, yet still finish before the Fall semester starts. (Read: am still eligible for the really cool post-doc I applied for.)

The Bad: My "primary" advisor, the one who asked me (seemingly out of the blue) to set the date, has yet to respond with anything other than a one-word email: "thanks." This was nearly two weeks ago... I'm still waiting for any kind of confirmation or commentary on the several questions I asked in the email before that.
In short, she doesn't want to be on this project, I know that, and she's sucking most of my happy energy away by being a bitch about this. Setting a dissertation date should be... exciting? I was excited for about a day, and now I'm back to worrying that she's going to undermine this, somehow.

The Good: Got my proposal submitted to Big Damn Conference, and have some pretty darn cool people to work with. The paper is also quite easy to write, and should be lower pressure than the last one I presented there.

The Bad: There's not a lot bad about this one, except that I have big, ugly, presentation fear. Am trying to get over it by presenting at smaller conferences. In fact, have one coming up in early April on a really cool topic (which I need to write... hmmmm) but still live in fear of presenting at Big Damn Conference.

The Bad: My car flooded. No, not as in "flooded the engine with gas," actually flooded-with-water. Apparently the drain on the sunroof backed up, causing the cabin to fill with about 6 inches of water. The car had to be towed to a city two hours away, as that was the closest dealership for my crazy car.

The Good: After much fear, it turns out that everything - towing, service, fixing - is totally covered. I only found this out after quite literally breaking down and sobbing when I realized the water had (not surprisingly) shorted out my entire electrical system.


luckybuzz said...


:) I'm excited for you. :)

Artistic Soul said...

Awful about your car - but good that it is covered. Super awesome about your defense date!!! Don't let your advisor drag you down -- obviously s/he is not going to give you any affirmation during this process, so take some time to be self-affirming to help yourself through it.

comebacknikki said...

Yay for the defense date!!!

The car situation completely sucks, but thank goodness it's covered!

Your feed disappeared, so I didn't realize you were updating your blog - I haven't seen anything in two weeks! :(