Thursday, March 8, 2007

something completely different

(a no-whining post)

Last week, I noticed a new version of Robin Hood on BBC America. I am a sucker for Robin Hood shows of any kind, and so I watched. It wasn't outstanding, but I'm willing to give it a chance (which means it's on the DVR list until further notice).

I was reminded, though, of a series on (I think?) Showtime when I was younger. It was Robin Hood, but it was a bit dark and eerie, and I loved it. As it turns out, this version was what I was remembering, and I have to laugh, now, at the pagan bits in it.

Is it really any wonder I ended up where I have, when that was the stuff I watched as a kid? I know my favorite books as a kid were by Ruth Chew...

On an even lighter note (see? I'm really trying, here!) I have a Firefly/Serenity weekend planned. My upcoming conference (not Big Damn Conference) paper is about this series and the film, so I must spend the weekend watching all the episodes, the commentaries, the film, and the film commentary.


1 comment:

luckybuzz said...

You're kidding. You have to watch Firefly? You poor, poor thing. :)

(Note to self: Start writing papers as interesting as the ones Margie proposes.)