Sunday, February 11, 2007

Accomplishing stuff: not a bad feeling.

I'm halfway through chapter three.

Now, this is the rough draft, and it's in horrible shape, and it needs lots of work... but, at the same time, the whole chapter is actually there in "needs work" form. In some places it just says "discuss this concept" but I know what concept I'm discussing. It's just a matter of writing.

This is crazy. Crazier still is that, with the way I intend to rework things, now, I only have one chapter after this to write. (I'm subdividing some of my chapters and expanding them... rather than five big chapters there are four, which will become seven smaller ones, I think.)

The "write a little every day" thing has worked. I'm into a groove, now, and I'm not stopping.

1 comment:

Artistic Soul said...

Yea! Sounds like you turned a corner!!