Monday, November 27, 2006

Anxiety monster rears ugly head.

As you know, I quite regularly use my blog to unravel and/or talk myself through my anxiety attacks. Today has been a doozy. The levels of anxiety are low to middling, but we're hitting a rather longish duration, right now. It started right after class ended (6pm) and is still going at 11pm.

Please note that this was one of the reasons I was not diagnosed with anxiety disorder way back when... the doctors said that nothing that lasted as long as I said it did could possibly be anxiety or panic attacks. Boy, were they wrong.

I suppose that considering the dx they came up with (MS), I should be happy to have apparently proved them wrong. Usually I am. Passing the five-hour anxiety attack mark, however, makes me less happy than usual about it.

Today seems focused on random death fears. Like: I just started having a headache behind my right eye. Despite the fact that I had a (completely clear) MRI about six months ago, this immediately means "large unknown mass pushing on eyeball," rather than "stop sitting with your shoulders crunched into your neck." (Fascinating, isn't it, how all those muscles are connected? Most of my headaches really can be traced to my posture immediately before or during said headache.)

Maybe it's allergens.

1 comment:

luckybuzz said...

Again, as always, I can't really help--but damn, can I empathize. I hate, hate, hate the random death fears. Mine lately have been worrying about my heart stopping (fun times!).

I really hope you're feeling better. The long anxiety sucks, to put it mildly.