Monday, November 27, 2006

and more cats

I don't usually blog this much about the cats, but they're all behaving horribly this morning.

Instead of sleeping on my head, Winter decided it would be more fun to bat at my head -- at 7am. Little Guy, a few minutes later, started crying to be let under the covers. As he's Siamese, his crying is impossible to ignore. Finally, Winter found a small piece of paper and started batting at that instead, making more noise than I would have believed possible.

The kicker is, I was in the middle of this really odd dream and was trying to find a secret door behind a wax head... I had just figured out that there were, in fact, six secret doors, but that only one of them would take me where I needed to go.

Bastard cats.

1 comment:

luckybuzz said...

I'm oddly intrigued by the wax heads and secret doors. That sounds like the kind of dream that I tend to obsess about. Also, what's behind that door that the cats didn't want you to see? ;)