Tuesday, June 5, 2007

There are times I wish this journal wasn't steeped in anonymity. Mind, that does not mean that any kind of fate should intervene and "out" me, simply that talking around issues is annoying at times.

I've been teaching summer intro. course, and while I'm unsure about how the students are liking it, I'm having some rather fascinating insights into my own relationship to the topic. Mainly, that I've taken the defensive stance both on the fact that I teach This Topic (er... I'm not your typical T-T-teacher) and on the topic itself. As in, I defend said topic, constantly.

I've also realized that I don't like the way TT is written about academically, at all. Now, there are vast numbers of books on TT that I haven't read, but I am at least vaguely familiar with a good percentage of the introductory books out there. There seems to be something seriously lacking in all of them, and I know what it is. This sudden realization has made the next two weeks of teaching a bit more approachable... since the textbooks are lacking this particular thing/connection, it gives me my "angle" for the rest of the term.

See? All that made no sense.

1 comment:

luckybuzz said...

Oooh, that's cool! (I'm not positive exactly what you're talking about, but it's awesome that you know what's lacking...here's hoping the next few weeks go well!)