Thursday, June 21, 2007

Having passed the one-month mark of my new exercise program, I'm both pleased and frustrated. I'm pleased because I've managed to keep it going -- almost always 1/2 hour of cardio in the morning, and then 1/2 hour of either strength training or cardio when I get home from work.

I'm frustrated because many of the results are very slow. On the very good side, I'm sleeping better and my blood pressure is in the super-healthy range (as opposed to the normally healthy range it's usually in). Oh, and my doctor is pleased with me. On the grrrr side, I'm not seeing much weight/size loss yet. I've scaled back my immediate summer goal to reflect the fact that I seem to be losing 1/2 pound a week... I'm trying to push that up to a full pound a week by (sigh) cutting out the beer and adding a bit more cardio when I want that extra glass of wine.

(Seriously: I have made allowances for two glasses of wine a night. Those are the silly little 4oz. glasses, not my usual lovely balloon goblets of wine. If I think I'll want more than that, I have to exercise extra beforehand.)

Sorry to blog about this so much, but I have to talk about it somewhere. Mr. Squirrel just nods and continues reading whenever the topic comes up.
Later: my silly plans for a trip to Peru.

1 comment:

luckybuzz said...

Dude! Working out regularly like that is AWESOME! The good health stuff is great--the weight/size loss will come soon. Getting healthier is pretty cool. :)

Really--1/2 a pound a week is good, steady progress. It all adds up.