Thursday, December 7, 2006

Beer is a clear liquid!

In the midst of SquirrelCar woes and Mr. Squirrel finally making it home, I had forgotten that I'm having a minor procedure/test tomorrow. The preparation for this - which everyone says is the worst part of it - requires that I don't eat any solid food, and drink only clear liquids.

Don't worry, I won't go into details about this... I'm rolling my eyes even as I type.

I'm looking at the list of what I'm "allowed" to drink/eat (cause you're allowed Jell-O, just no red Jell-O) and thinking "white wine and beer are both clear liquids, aren't they?"

So I googled. And indeed - according a reputable office that does said procedure, even - beer and white wine are both acceptable clear liquids.

Considering the general anxiety I'm feeling over this whole thing, I might just have made my own day.


luckybuzz said...

That is seriously awesome news. Enjoy the beer. :)

Margie said...

I forgot for a moment that I still can't eat. Damn. I'm hungry.

I made Mr. Squirrel promise to go out and fetch me Thai food for dinner, tomorrow, when I've woken up. Mmmmmm.

comebacknikki said...

Ugh. That sucks! I had a procedure done a few years ago that had the same requirements (probably the same procedure). To this day I cannot stand the sight of Jell-o

Margie said...

I'm supposed to have peach Jell-O for dinner. I have a feeling I'll join you in avoiding it, after this.

I'm now drinking the stuff you're supposed to drink, and *gag* what the fuck is this? It tastes completely horrible, even hidden in ginger ale!

Artistic Soul said...

Oh I hope you are okay!!!