Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bullets, with updates!

See what happens when you draft? You end up with updates to points that no one even saw...

  • Apparently blogging about blogrolling fixed the problem. Who knew? This must be similar to blogging about lost objects.
  • My car is refinanced, barring any weirdness. I'm happy, and I have one less thing on my plate. Update: Er, there were some issues with this later in the day, but they only resulted in an extra $11/month, and I'll go with it for now.
  • Mr. Squirrel is calling PsychoCollege today to try some stalling tactics. I spent a good half hour talking with our new grad chair (I do love him) about the possible ways to fix this situation. I believe Mr. Squirrel is going to take the "honest" approach and say that this was not what he was expecting, and that he must wait until the other interviews play out. Update: PsychoCollege basically withdrew the offer. Apparently they wanted him to decide today, and when he wasn't willing to do that (actually, he hadn't talked that far... this happened after about five minutes of discussion about details of the offer) the Dean cut him off and said something to the effect of 'this isn't likely to work, because we need a decision NOW.' Mr. Squirrel is a wee bit morose, because this is a sucky way to have your first official offer play out.
  • Oh, and the loan money that finally went through (after the registrar lost my paperwork for the fourth semester in a row) is dwelling in a black hole somewhere. The bank has transferred it electronically to my college, but it's not in my account. Contacting the bursar has resulted only in my frustration (and some choice swear words at home). Now they're "not promising" it will reach me by the 27th, and I have started a steady stream of polite but really pissed off emails to various places. As if that has a chance in hell of helping.


BrightStar (B*) said...

That Dean that Mr. Squirrel was talking to sounded icky to just cut him off like that. It's probably for the best. He wouldn't want to work at a place that treats people like that. Something better will come along.

luckybuzz said...

That's a drag, about Mr. Squirrel's non-job, and about the loan money. Ugh. Bureaucracy sucks. But I'm with B* on this...hopefully something better is around the corner.