Sunday, December 17, 2006

Today we drive to my brother's house (about two hours away) and tomorrow we leave for the Other Coast. I have my iPod fully loaded, although I'm still considering a new TV show or a movie. Everyone keeps telling me that as a Whedon-fan I'd also like Veronica Mars, but I tried the first few episodes and wasn't overly interested. Maybe it gets better? Maybe I should download a few more episodes?

Oh! I just noticed that movies are really expensive... maybe $14.99 isn't bad for a DVD, but it's way too expensive for something to watch on the itty-bitty iPod screen. I know there's some illegal way to burn them, but I'm too lazy (and probably too concerned about the "illegal" bit) to do that. Shame, because I haven't seen Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and I think it would be good for the plane.

When we get to Other Coast, we have a couple days with just my parents. Then, around the 22nd or so, Mr. Squirrel's parents will join us. Yes, that's right: six days with both sets of parents in the same house. Who came up with this evil plot? I did.

P.S. No one ate any cookies at the cookie party. Or at least, very few cookies were consumed. The few "other" snacks that were there, however, were devoured.

Update: Boo! on iTunes!!! I gave in and bought Pirates 2, and then realized it had 75-minute download time. WTF? I haven't waited that long for a download in years... so I won't have it to watch on the plane, because we're leaving in 1/2 hour.

I think iTunes should be up-front about this. Hell, I can download an hour-long TV show in about 2 minutes... I know movies are better quality, but I think they should warn you.


luckybuzz said...

We leave on Saturday for the Other Coast...though we'll only have one set of parents there. Good luck with both sets...will it make for good stories, at least?

And I keep hearing the same thing about Veronica Mars, but I've been unimpressed with what I've seen so far. If you start watching it, let me know what you think.

Artistic Soul said...

Have a safe trip!!