Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Thanks to the crazy itineraries at RyanAir, it looks like we can fly into south-coastal Croatia and out of Budapest. I've been saying that Ljubljana, while obviously cool and interesting, would better be added on to a trip involving Venice, Trieste, Graz, and Vienna... if we can skip Ljubljana for now, we can have far more time in Albania and Bulgaria.

So I'm thinking that we book a flight into London and out of Frankfurt (two of the cheaper options, from the U.S.) and then super-cheap RyanAir tickets to Zadar from London and out of Budapest to Frankfurt. By super-cheap, by the way, I mean US$14 one way.

On edit: yes, I wrote two pages today. I should feel good about that, but I really don't.


luckybuzz said...

Whoohooo on the two pages! Do you not feel good because you think they suck? (That's what happened to me with the tiny bit I wrote today...and most days...)

$14 tickets rock.

Margie said...

I don't know... it's a necessary part of the chapter, but I just don't like it. In fact, I've already tagged it with tracking in Word for "fixing" later.