Friday, January 25, 2008

In-between Land

How exactly did I get here?

Being ABD for this long - three years, now - seems to being having consequences in other areas of my life.

I am Liminal Chick.

Some of it is obviously direct: I adjunct because I have no final degree (and because moving around for one-year contracts, as some of my friends do, is less possible when you have a partner who also needs to work). My "office space" is shared with five other people, all adjuncts, and it's not the most welcoming space.

Because we're not settled as to place - because we adjunct, because we're both ABD - we have a nice but temporary apartment. Don't get me wrong: I feel incredibly lucky that we have the place we have, but I would eventually like a house. With a yard. And a garden.

And, of course, there's the lack of savings. I have some money put aside right now, but it's all earmarked for this semester... my lighter schedule = lighter paychecks.

One thing is unrelated to the ABD status, but got me thinking about in-between states: I'm squarely between a size 10 and 12 right now. 10 is slightly too small, 12 is slightly too big. This means 12's with belts -- not the most flattering fashion look. I have one pair of pants that apparently defies conventional sizing (10's that fit perfectly) and they look fantastic on me. However, the zipper de-tracked the other day and I can't seem to fix it.

In baby blue text news, my goal for the day is to read and outline chapter two.
I am unsure whether I should be making changes as I see necessary, or whether I should really concentrate on outlining (and thus, reading) the entire thing in a short span of time. I think that the full read-through is the most important, right now.

1 comment:

luckybuzz said...

I'd say go with the full read-through. I find that to be one of the hardest parts, so I tend to use "fixing things" as a way to procrastinate the reading. I'd say if you can read it, do it! :)

And I *so* hear you on the liminal thing. Oh. My. God. We don't even know what part of the country to try living yeah. I feel ya. We should probably just finish our damn dissertations and see how that goes. :)