Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Am trying to make decision:

Mr. Squirrel switched courses with me, solely to make my schedule easier.
After we switched, the course he took from me was cancelled.

Financially, we're both okay this semester. This course basically allows whoever has it to put some money in savings. (Yes, we're somewhat financially merged, but still mostly not, for various reasons. There really is no "our savings," yet.)

It seems logical that he gets the course back, doesn't it? I offered immediately when all this first happened, and brought it up again today -- the course is tomorrow. It's not a class either of us has to do much prep for, obviously.


Gospel Bob said...

I agree. Mr. Squirrel should take the class back if he switched just to help you out.

And its nice to hear that other couples keep their funds fully or partially seperated. L.B. and I have done it for years and love it.

luckybuzz said...

I'd say probably so...and would that also help with making your schedule easier?

Artistic Soul said...

Yes -- he should take it then, not only because it will be good for him to have, but also because it frees you up to finish your dissertation!!

Margie said...

Well if you three agree with me...


We settled on him taking it back, and then he got the news that *another* one of his courses had been cancelled. Thank goodness we both overloaded going into this semester.