Sunday, June 3, 2007

food, BPAL, and other assorted bits.

Last night I made Pad Thai for the first time, using this recipe at Chez Pim. It took awhile to find some of the ingredients (tamarind paste?) and I didn't have a proper wok, but it turned out really well. My noodles did not stick together at all, and it tasted like a proper Pad Thai.

I'll need to play around more with the sauce (more chili powder and a bit more sugar, I think, and less tamarind) and cut larger chunks of tofu, but I'm really pleased that it was far above the "edible" mark.

I also put in my largest order to date at BPAL. Large, for me, means four bottles and a pack of imps... large for some people means twenty+ bottles, I know. I wasn't going to order two of the bottles, but I couldn't resist Cancer (Wild lettuce, wild pear, chamomile, germanica orris, sweet pea, and mallow) or Mme. Moriarty (Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, patchouli leaf and wild plum) this time around.

In less-positive news, I am at the two-week mark of my new exercise program and have managed to lose .4 pounds. Yes, that's less than 1/2 a pound in two weeks. Sigh. I assume part of this is my vastly increased intake of water, and part of it is a little bit of muscle-building, because I've been doing nearly an hour of good cardio every single day. I did set long-term goals for this - lose 15 pounds in about 12 weeks - but I would be happy with even 10 pounds in that time.

Still, it would be nice to see the scale move a bit, you know?


luckybuzz said...

1. YUM, Pad Thai.....*drool*
2. Whoohooo, BPAL! Can't wait to hear about Cancer....
3. dude, an hour of cardio a day is awesome! And lost weight is lost weight--don't knock it. :)
I am still (despite having fallen somewhat off the wagon) a total WW evangelist. You know I am so not the kind of person who goes for these things, but damn, it really did work for me & GB. And you *can* have beer.... :)

But more importantly: you're doing cardio, which is great for your body no matter what. And whoohoo! BPAL! :)

comebacknikki said...

Ooooh! I want to hear about Moriarty. I love pomegranate and patchouli - I'm sure they're fabulous together.