I think that maybe, if I don't get a full-time job this time around, I may need to pursue other things for awhile. It's not the best time to draw that line - I'll probably be more marketable next year - but I've reached the point where I might need to get out.
I don't know what else I'm qualified to do, or if I really want to leave academia... and certainly I can't imagine pulling the normal 8 to 5 job. But there have to be options, right?
It's not the dissertation, because I fully plan to finish that, whether or not I stay. It's the lack of full-time jobs in the field: even contract positions are few and far between, and TT jobs seem nigh impossible. I don't think I can keep teaching 5 courses at 3 schools (for very little money, with no benefits) and stay sane.
Part of this train of thought is surely from coming off two summer courses and feeling I've had no break. Plus, it's not even going to hit 70 degrees today, and I'm just not ready for fall and winter yet... (please tell me that summer weather will return for awhile. Please?)
I don't doubt that I'll get everything prepared by next Monday - of course I will - but as I look at my half-finished syllabi, I want to cry. Or go back to bed and stay there.
Mr. Squirrel has brought up the notion of going full-on hermit this semester. In other words, both of us would do nothing but work (classes, but more importantly, dissertation) until things are just. finally. done. I'm tempted by that as well, although I don't think I can commit to a full three months of it... maybe one month at a time?
Then, if nothing came about on the job market this year, I could go find a full-time job elsewhere, knowing that I had, in fact, finished the degree (even if I don't "use" it). I think my degrees would be welcomed at some types of non-profit organizations, which is what I would be most interested in, anyway.
Is this just beginning-of-semester blues?